
Dear Colleagues

We are delighted to share the programme of the 5th European symposium!

Tuesday 25 June  
8:30-9:00 Registration 
 Room 1Room 2
9:00-9:05General welcome – Christianne van Nieuwenhoven
9:05-10:30Introduction to Congenital Differences of the Hand – Moderator: Martijn Baas
Updates from the IFSSH Scientific committee on congenital hands  – Wee Lam
New developmental biology insights on congenital limb differences. – Kerby Oberg
Applying insights from digit regeneration to traumatic digit tip amputations – Kerby Oberg
Genetic aspects of prenatal limb anomalies – Kyra Stuurman
10:30-11:00 BREAK 
11:00-12:15Longitudinal deficiencies: a MDT approach – Moderator: George Murphy Tips and trics in polydactyly – moderator:  Brid Crowley
What is new in radial dysplasia treatment: a basic science approach – George Murphy o  Sporadic thumb duplications are radial cleft – Stéphane Guero
What’s new in radial dysplasia treatment: less is more? – Andrea Jester o  Anatomy in Radial polydactyly – Brid Crowley
What’s new in radial dysplasia treatment: tradition is best – Alexandre Kaempfeno  Tips and Tricks in Radial Polydactyly – Nunzio Catena
RLD – 30 years experience with soft tissue distraction and radialisation – Wiebke Hulsemanno Case presentations – from the Bilhaut drawing to the Cloquet results… – Stéphane Guero
Case discussion, featuring:o Case presentations – On-top plasty – Stéphane Guero
o   Andrea Jester 
o   Alexandre KaempfenSynpolydactyly moderator : Tobias Laurell
o   George Murphyo  Tobias Laurell
o   Wiebke Hulsemann o  Max Mann
12:15-13:15 LUNCH 
13:15-14:00 Bring your own case!  Moderated by Sarah Tolerton and Lisebette BurgerSplint session:  Andrea Derks, Maren Schelly, Lisette Melis, Noémi Hünneman
Panel: Wiebke Hulseman, Daniel Weber, Alexandre Kaempfen, Tobias LaurelSplints in congenital hand differences
Wim Vanhove – a 6 months old boy with cleft hands and feet 
Raluca Stefanescu – Syndactyly – managing postsurgical complications 
Sophie Lauwagie – 4 year old boy with bilateral radial longitudinal dysplasia and hypoplastic humeri 
Nathalie Bini – Tricky hand in Poland syndrome 
14:15-15:00 Transverse deficiency – Moderator: Klaske NieuwenhuisSymbrachydactyly tips and tricks / brachydactyly. Moderator: Jaap Potuijt
Transverse reduction defects at or above the wrist: A national cohort study from Norway 1970-2019 – Ida SlettenDarja Sippel 
Missing the Grip? Participation and solution strategies in children and youngsters with transverse reduction deficiency of the upper limb – Iris van Wijk 
Successful prothesis usage in Young Adolescents with Unilateral Congenital Below Elbow Deficiency – Kennan van GelderPsychology of hand anomalies. Moderator: Jaap Potuijt
–        Case discussion  Max Horwitz
15:00-15:30 BREAK 
15:30-16:30Artrogrypose – Moderator: Christianne van Nieuwenhoven Madelung deformity: a MDT approach – Moderator: Sebastian Farr
The multidisciplinary approach / upper limb surgeon – Christianne van NieuwenhovenSebastian Farr – treatment algorithm
Arthrogryposis Multiplex congenita. Treatment in a multidisciplinary setting – The lower Limb. – Jaap TolkCase discussion, featuring:
 Case discussion, featuringo   Filip Stockmans 
o   Andrea Jestero   Alexandre Kaempfen
o   Sarah Tolertono   Mona Winge
16:30-17:15Apert Syndrome – Moderator: Gill SmithBring your own case!  Moderators: Ernst Smits en Jaap Potuijt
 State of the art: Hand – Gill Smith Panel: Brit Crowley, Stephane Guerro, Nunzio Catena
State of the art: Feet – Lisebette Burger Tobias Laurell – To late for amputation?
How to deal with the rest but the hand? – Mieke Pleumeekers Daniel Weber – Girl with congenital upper limb deformity
o  Patient experience Kaja Gizewska-Kacprzak – a little girl with Pfeiffer Syndrome 
 María Martínez Carlón Reina  – Bilateral clasped thumbs
17:15-18:00 DRINKS 
Wednesday 26 June  
 Room 1Room 2
9:00-10:00 Psychopathologic Disorders of the Upper Limb – Moderator: Christianne van NieuwenhovenRegistries and outcome assessment. Moderator: Wee Lam
Introduction – Christianne van NieuwenhovenOutcome assessments in pediatric hand surgery – updates and challenges – Wee Lam
View from the anesthesiologist – Tom de Leeuw Registries around the world – Ida Sletten
View from the psychiatrist – Marlijn VermeidenBig data and study designs in pediatric hand surgery research – how should we proceed? – Ruud Selles
 View from the physiatrist – Matthias Koudijzer  
10:00-10:45 Pediatric Trauma – Moderator: Ernst SmitsFour or Five digits? 3b thumb, what would you do?
Moderator: Konrad Mende
Malunions, what to do?Featuring: Gill Smith, Andrea Jester, Konrad Mende
Distal non unions, Hook-nail deformity with restoration of the length of distal Cultural perception of 4/5 fingered hands and their aesthetics/significance and available literature
How to prevent mal/nonunion in pip fractures in children – Charlotte JalouxReconstruction as an option for parents who insist on keeping the thumb: Literature and case
3D reconstructions what’s possible – Eline van EsPollicisation: what’s new, debated, evolving? Incisions, intrinsics, metacarpal osteotomy
3D reconstructions in children what have I learnt? – Filip Stockmans Discussion: Where do we go with it? How to compare outcomes? What can we tell parents what to expect from what?
Discussion/scaphoid non unions – Maxim Horwitz 
10:45-11:15 BREAK 
11:15-12:30 Cerebral Palsy – Moderator: Konrad MendePediatric limb reconstruction – Moderator: Carla Baldrigi
 Multidisciplinairy approach – Miryam Obdeijn and Jessica WarninkReconstruction in pediatric tumors – Carla Baldrigi
 Hyperselective neurectomy – Konrad MendeSevere combined bone/soft tissue injuries in children – Kaja Gizewska-Kacprzak
 Case discussion / Complications of HSNNerve injuries – Nunzio Catena
 o   Konrad Mende 
 o   Miryam Obdeijn 
 o   Jessica Warnink 
 o   Max Horwitz 
 o   Klaske Nieuwenhuis 
12:30-13:30 LUNCH  
13:30-14:30Musculoskeletal tumours – Moderator: Daniel WeberAbstract session – Moderator: Jaap Potuijt
 Bone tumours in the hand, rare X rare – Kirsten van LangeveldeDiagnostic and therapeutic proceeding in pediatric patients with closed distal finger extensor tendon injury in the hand – Maximilian Sliwinski
  Surgical Considerations for Bone Tumors with a Focus on Implications for Skeletal Growth – Jaap TolkPatient education on surgical procedures that reduce spasticity of the upper limb in cerebral palsy – Juliette van Limbeek
 –        Case discussion Ulnar Longitudinal Deficiency Type 0 – an underreported entity – Andreas Weber
 o   Daniel WeberWrist arthroscopy in children and adolescents. Why and how far? – Laura M. Perez-Lopez
 o   Jaap TolkTrapeziometacarpal dislocations in the paediatric age group: is there a better treatment – Laura M. Perez-Lopez
 o   Gill Smith
 o   Kirsten van Langevelden 
14:30-15:30 Vascular malformations – Moderator: Bran SivakumarLive Planning and Lecture on Madelung Deformity reconstruction with patient specific planning, guides an custom-made implants
 General introduction and medication – Elise VerboomModerator: Martijn Baas
 The role of the intervention radiologist – Kevin Wiese Speaker: Prof. Hermann Krimmer 
 –        Case discussion Live Planning by KLS Martin Group
 o        Bran Sivakumar (moderator)  
 o        Kevin Wiese  
 o        Elise Verboom  
 o        Carla Baldrighi 
15:30-16:15Pulpe session – Moderator: Daniel Weber
 Introduction and activities – Daniel Weber (20 min)
 Best congenital abstract – Tobias Laurel (25 min)
16:15-16:30Closure – Christianne van Nieuwenhoven